Friday, April 16, 2010

Topic: Gang Violence Part II

Here are the listed warning signs that your loved one might be involved or at risk for involvement in a gang, or really, even just be in need of additional positive attention and support from others:

Behavioral signs:

  • Attending school and/or work erratically
  • Avoiding family activities
  • Using different and unfamiliar words
  • Associating with known gang members or known criminals
  • Wanting to be alone all the time
  • Staying out later than usual
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Having money or buying things without a known source of income
  • Mood Swings or unusual behavior patterns

Nonverbal communication signs:

  • Highly stylized or strange writing
  • Graffiti style writing on notebooks, books, or papers
  • Using hand signals, and not on a bike
The following may not mean anything gang related, they may just mean your child is trying to find out who they are, if it is in combination with other serious issues, then worry.

Physical signs:

  • Changes in style of dressing
  • Strange hair styles
  • Presence of tattoos
  • Sudden or over use of make-up
As I said, I would watch out for these signs, but do not assume that they are in a gang right away, just assume they need your love and support right away. Then go from there.

1 comment:

  1. The above information came from a class lecture in Children and Violence from 2010.
